Vase with a female figure sitting on it

Adoption form

Details of the adopter

Details of payer / invoicing date

Payment details

The GDPR of Zsolnay Heritage Management Non-profit Ltd. is available at

*In case of online adoption, by clicking on the “Adopt” button, you will be redirected to the page, where you can pay the amount of the adoption by credit card.

If you want to adopt the artwork selected in person, you can do it at the Visitor Center, the Zsolnay Info-point & Shop or in the Zsolnay Guesthouse during office hours, all found in the Zsolnay Quarter, and you can pay the amount of adoption in cash, by credit card, by szép card or by Zsolnay gift voucher. At the sites listed, well-versed staff will help you in the administrative issues.

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available for adoption.